Data Repository Construction

Company-Wide Integration

Capturing data for entry into your own analytics-and- action process is only half the battle—integrating said process across your company in a simplified, organized, and coherent manner is the other critical side of the equation. Having a clear process, knowing who has access to what, and how different lines of business/regions have varying consumer bases/consumer information is a central factor in proper data leveraging. We build carefully layered data repository systems that naturally separate lines of businesses, various in-company departments, and analytic methods to ensure clarity and consistent “goal-oriented” structuring for your various consumer-driven information drivers. We help you develop procedures to promote efficient developments and orderly daily data flow. Scalability—the key to the foundation of any successful data repository system.

data repository engineers

Building an ARM (Audience Relationship Management) Component

Audience Relationship Management is data that shows us where consumers are spending their time. Gives signals to engage the consumer with your brand (when the time is most relevant to them), with a message that speaks to their needs, wants, interests, and desires. Separates “interesting” data from “actionable” data. Built into a powerful data repository system that uses data sourcing, predictive analytics, measured actions, and normalizing for conditional outliers.

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